Wrapping Up
After an interesting two weeks in Texas (no one ever figured out what my mystery illness was, thought apparently, and thankfully, it wasn’t lyme disease) we’re about to wrap up and head back to Montana. I have not been home for this amount of time in years, and it’s been so relaxing. I think all of those fevers might have been me detoxing from five years of living in New York City. It was fun and I don’t regret it, but everything moved so fast. It is nice to be slow and lazy once in a while!
(*I’ll miss this bean dog! I bet he would love Montana…)
Tuesday we will drive off. To be honest, I’m not looking forward to the car trip since I’ve ended up sick after the last two. Plus there are boxes to be unpacked and job-getting to be dealt with. But I am excited about stopping at Big Bend National Park (although it’ll be too hot to get out of the car) and at the Georgia O’Keefe Museum in Santa Fe. And, I’ll finally be able to upload more of my photos; there are some I’d like to share with you.