Crochet Pattern PDFs

Peanut Butter Pattern, $6.50

Circles Scarf Pattern, $5.00

Stellar Beret Pattern, $5.00

Raindrops Scarf Pattern, $5.00

Artichoke Hat Pattern, $5.00

Lace Slouch Hat Pattern, $5.00

Starry Night Cardi Pattern, $6.50

Pebble Hat Pattern, $5.00

Petal Beret Pattern, $5.00

Covered Hangers Pattern, $5.00

Diamond Lace Scarf Pattern, $5.00

Blackberry Beret Pattern, $5.00

Cotton Candy Cowl Pattern, $5.00

Simple Hat Pattern, 4 Sizes, $5.00

Cables + Lace Scarf Pattern, $5.00
To see more of my crochet patterns, click here!.


Snow Day!


We woke up Saturday morning to a big blanket of snow. I was really excited to go outside and run around in it. Although I’m sure that at some point I’ll be sick of it, I didn’t grow up in a snowy area, so snow is still somewhat magical to me. Yay!


There’s my shiny new bike. I guess I need some major winter gear in order to ride it when it’s cold. I need to ride it more than I have been!

I spent today working on my sister’s baby quilt. I have one more long row to do, then assembling and basting and the dreaded quilting process. I have been debating on whether to have it professionally quilted, but I’m stubborn (and poor!) and think I want to do it myself.


It’s actually oriented the other way (like if you flipped this photo on it’s side) but this is how it hangs on the wall. I am really loving it. Plus it’s a nice break from my crochet projects!

Tonight I am going to do some cooking. I’m  trying out this recipe, I’ll let you know how it goes. I’ll also post the acorn squash recipe later this week if I have a chance, since people have been asking for it (hi mom!). I ended up tossing the leftover squash and chicken with feta, butter, olive oil and pasta and it was divine!

  • wow this baby quilt is beautiful...Love all the strippy goodness am so happy to have stumbled across your site.

  • holy snowly moly!!!

    stay warm!

  • no way!!! It's 70-80 degrees in New York... they've still got the AC blasting (on my cubicle, at least) (wait, I'm not sure if it ever goes off....)
    Sigh... I am dreaming of winter craft time already!
    Your quilt looks beautiful :)

  • in the mid 90's unseasonably hot and i am so sick of it. not quite ready for snow, though. it looks lovely - hope you got some outside playtime in!

  • quilting and snow...perfect combination :)

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