Winter Fest
Yesterday I convinced Paul to take me to Winter Fest, which had a kind of stock show/county fair vibe. I was most interested in the quilts and the petting zoo (yay!). The quilts were largely traditional, but there was one with some amazing feedsack fabrics. I didn’t take any pictures though, so you’ll have to imagine them.
The best part of the fest was seeing all of the animals. Check out these alpaca! They’re standing in a herd like that because apparently some dogs had just come by and scared them all. They made a collective low humming sound, kind of like a creaking door.
There were more alpaca in the petting zoo, and in the Alpacas of Montana group (above), a 3 1/2 week old alpaca! You can read all about the alpaca here. Gee, at $12k an alpaca, I guess I might never own one!
We also saw these very wooly sheep. They are a very old breed, but the name escapes me.
And here are some piggly wigglies.
Lots more pics in my flickr, if you need a dose of cute.