New York
It is good to be back in New York. I never lived in Manhattan (although I worked in Soho), and I forgot how very crowded it is. I don’t miss that aspect. I have been doing a lot of looking, eating, shopping and being. I never took the time to make small talk with anyone when I lived here, but I have been talking to strangers lately and actually, it’s kind of nice. I will try to do more of that in my “real” life– because I have met some interesting people, and plus, you never know. I was always in such a hurry here, it’s so nice not to be in a hurry anymore.
@ the Museum of Modern Art
Wall Cushions at MoMA
Flowers in Fort Greene (on the way to the Brooklyn Flea)
Pretty houses in Fort Greene
I’m here for a few more days, and will hopefully post some more inspiration when I get home. I actually do miss Montana. I saw a few herds of pronghorn and some strange desert winter landscapes on the way to the Billings airport (I turned to Paul and asked if he felt like we were on Mars), and I’m excited about the onset of Spring. I hope.