What’s that Button in the Sidebar? and Holiday Gifts
Hello again. It feels like it’s been a while since I posted because I was in a foggy congested state last week, but I’m still here. You might have noticed (if you click over to my actual blog, since you won’t see it in the reader) that I’ve added a wee Donate button to my sidebar. I’m doing a fundraiser of sorts for my sister and her husband, so if you like reading this blog, consider throwing a few dollars their way. I’m also setting up a fundraising etsy shop with the help of many of my crafty friends, Hope for Jasenn. The first update will be this Friday and I will clue you in to many of the goodies that will be available along the way–you can get your holiday shopping done and donate at the same time! This friday, I’m also going to post a super quick and simple holiday idea that you can make from scraps, just in case I need to lure you back from your turkey coma.
Spoiler Alert: If your name is Ann and you’re my sister, stop reading now.
In the mean time, check out this great felt ornament tutorial from Sister Diane on CraftStylish. I decided to give it a go last night after I finally realized how easily I can print photos on my new printer. See?
The hardest part was cutting a perfect inner circle, but I got close enough.
I also made a toy for my nephew, who you know I just love to spoil. Every time I visit him I think of some new toy ideas that will allow him to explore things in a not-going-to-pull-the-laptop-off-the-couch way, so this one incorporates some stretchy elastic that he can pull on. You can bet I sewed each elastic piece down like, 8 times, no exaggeration. I love the little elephant.
The corduroy and felt textures should be fun for him, too, and the ear is moveable. I machine stitched everything with my fun #28 blanket stitch. I only wish I had a squeaker for the inside–or, you know, the patience to wait to stitch it up till I obtained one. Oh well!