I Growed It!
Lookie here, something is ready in my garden!
The radishes are among the only things that seem to be thriving. They’re pretty much coming out of the ground on their own so I pulled this one up just to see what was going on under there. Pretty, and tasty. I mean, WOW tasty. If you think radishes are peppery when you buy them at the store, this is pepper x 100 (almost too much, but not if I mix it in with a salad or something).
The others are probably about ready to be picked too, but I’m leaving for TNNA on Friday. So I’m wondering, should I pick them and refrigerate them, or let them stay in the ground for a few more days? They really do look like they want to be out of there…
Just to update you on the rest of my garden, here’s what’s still growing:
3 scarlet runner bean plants–seem to be shooting up, finally (4th plant eaten by a snail or squirrel. sigh)
3 bush bean plants (4th plant, see above)
2 cucumber plants, still looking pretty tiny
1 tomato plant, looking awesome (other plant looked dreadful and I gave up)
Basil- 4 plants, one of which looks decent
Strawberries (had to re-pot)
There’s other stuff mixed in that’s looking less than great, and the crab grass has started coming up through the sides. But hey, it’s the first planting, and I’m proud of it. I am probably supposed to start thinking about what to plant next at this point, but I’m not there yet.