Day Three: Excerpt at Craft:!
Today’s leg of the Little Crochet Blog book tour is a stop over at Craft zine, where you’ll find an excerpt (ie. free pattern!) from the book!
Craft is sharing the Cozy Crawlers Leg Warmers, which are made with a solid and variegated sock yarn (but of course, you can make them any way you’d like!). They’re sized for little ones up to age 2, with a recipe-style tip that will help you upsize them for older kids.
Now, before you laugh, let me tell you why mamas like legwarmers. Two words: Potty Training. Two more: Diaper Changes. No pants to pull down. They also make good padding for kids who are still scooting around until they figure out how to walk, and, I love them because you can use up your random sock yarn bits to make something new. Also: baby thighs. Need I say more?
Have fun, and be sure to add some pics to Ravelry if you end up making these!