And the Winner Is…
The random number generator picked 12, or Jane, to win the copy of Brett Bara’s book, Sewing in a Straight Line. Jane said: “I would like to learn to sew kid’s clothes for my grandkids. Also a doable quilt like the one in the book.” Congrats Jane, I sent you a message, respond to claim your prize!
You still have time to enter the giveaway for Heady Affairs:7 Impetuous Hats to Crochet (midnight CST tonight!), so comment on my post if you haven’t already.
We just returned from a brief trip to Ada, Oklahoma where Paul had an art show. I picked up the little treasures you see above in an antique shop while I was there. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon, though I’m still thinking about one of the doilies that I left behind. Oh well!