Cat Lady Sweater Complete
Just before our trip to the Grand Canyon, I got started on a me-sized version of a cardigan design I designed last year. The pattern has not yet been published but I am told it will be, soon. I used the same yarn as for the original design, Berroco Flicker, which now has a lot of fun colors (originally, it was mostly neutral and pastel). I actually started the cardigan at Stitches Midwest, when I found the yarn at the Webs booth.
Someone has been supervising this sweater’s stitching all the way through.
When I neared completion I had a look through my button stash and found these 4 cat face buttons. I must have bought them during a sale and of course I didn’t have enough of them. The silver goes well with the glittery-ness of the yarn so I decided to just go for it. The buttons are by JHB but I couldn’t find them online (or on their site) anywhere–thankfully someone was selling a set of 6 on Ebay for a reasonable price.
I sewed them on this weekend while Freddie watched. I’m most definitely a dog person but the kitty faces add a little fun to this sweater. Oh yeah, and the glitter. I figure it will remind me of that time when I spayed and neutered the colony of cats my neighbor was feeding. I’m glad those days are gone!
I’ll share a finished pic of the garment being worn once the pattern goes live, of course.